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Auto Claims Medical Bill Review

Auto Claims Medical Bill Review

CompTech offers customizable, end-to-end medical bill review solutions to clients for medical claims resulting from automobile accidents involving first and/or third party injury coverage, Medpay, or PIP. Let us handle your auto claims medical bill review and save you costs today.

We can analyze bills for:

We utilize Mitchell International’s software platform for our auto claims medical bill review services. Mitchell is the industry leader, processing the majority of auto medical bills in the United States. We use Mitchell’s products and services, along with additional products CompTech offers, to maximize savings.

  • Proper billing and coding
  • Auditing treatment patterns
  • Duplicate charges
  • Fee schedule reductions (if applicable)
  • Discounts through our access to over 20 different PPO partners
  • Special audits and negotiations

Let's Talk.

Live chat available 24/7. Shoot us a message, give us a call, or visit our office to get started.

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